VEF Blog

Titre du blog : ¤¤DoN'T wOrRy, Be HaPpY¤¤
Auteur : alex2007
Date de création : 04-11-2007
posté le 18-11-2007 à 08:27:53

Hi stranger

    Sometimes you can just meet someone totally randomly...Even though she wasn't good at all for flirting, you were touched by her clumsiness... She would never mean anyting to you, but you keep thinking about her..why? Maybe only because you need someone. Someone to escape from the past, someone to... You think you'll forget it like that...Can you really forget that? And even if you can, do you really want to? All those questions can't be answered...The future is the only one that can bring all those answers...Let's see...

To be continued